Nisa and Zayd aka "Auntie's Baby"

I know I should write more about the first two weeks of Zayd's life before I forget everything. Aside from being very sore, I remember being extremely happy and insanely tired. It was so nice having mostly all of my family near to see the newest addition. My mom was so helpful and she made all my favorite foods. We had ox tails, banana pudding, cream eggs on toast, tamale pie, short ribs, greens, pancakes, and a host of other things which I can't remember.
Zayd mostly slept and nursed during the first week. I remember it was a task trying to get a picture of him with his eyes open. We all commented on how little he seemed to cry. Week two was pretty much the same, except he became a more vigorous nurser and had longer periods of alertness. We both enjoyed laying on the couch and hanging out with the family. Zayd is looking forward to meeting his other set of grandparents, his two other uncles, his other aunt, and his only cousin. We laughed at the fact that he only has one cousin. Insha'Allah that will change over time.
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