Every Thursday, hubby and I would make the hour-long trek to Virginia to participate in our birthing classes. Our teacher Julie had a great personality and sense of humor, which made us actually look forward to our class. We also really liked getting to know the other couples who were also expecting. I honestly felt pretty nervous about the classes since Khalid and I were due well before the other couples. The classes were originally scheduled to go for 12 weeks, but we had to do a crash course since our due date was so close.
The Bradley Method focuses a lot on relaxation techniques and being informed about the different stages of labor. The classes also helped to teach how to work as a team and how to prepare for the birthing process. Khalid and I also learned a lot about the diet and nutrition for pregnant women. Due to our new found knowledge, we revamped a lot of our food choices. Khalid went out of his way to make sure that I always had fresh, organic, fruits and vegetables. We also practiced relaxation techniques and did pregnancy exercises.
I attribute our positive labor experience to our classes. From all the practice, I inherently knew what positions were best for me during contractions. Khalid was also able to read my signs and offer support and encouragement through the process. He really helped to keep my focused during the really painful parts. He was also great with keeping me hydrated during my long, long labor. We labored in the house for 18 hours before heading off to the birth center. Four hours after we arrived at the center, I delivered Zayd.
Feeling Zayd exit my body had to be one of the most memorable experiences I've ever had. I felt a mixture of relief, accomplishment, joy, and shock. I just remember looking down at his wet slimy body in disbelief. I think I was too tired to get really emotional, but a thousand thoughts were racing through my head. I remember holding him for the first time and inspecting him. I honestly thought he looked strange, but I was filled with an immense love for him. Here are some pictures of Zayd's first moments out of the womb.

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