Monday, September 10, 2007

More Photos from Week 1 and 2

More Pictures!


Umm Amirah said...

Masha~allah he is SOOOOOOO cutie petutie!!
This too will change. BUT enjoy all the cutie you can get.
Ma salaam
Ummie A

Saraax said...

oh my god, is Zayd a STRETCHER?! When samina wakes up she has to stretch for like a minute to get herself going. That last pic of Zayd looks like thats what he's doing! LOL

Madeehah said...

I adore the feet picture!

The Dreamer said...

@Umm Amirah -- I STILL LOVE that little boy's funky little butt!! Lol!
@Sara -- Samina has grown to be such the little lady, masha'Allah.
@Madeehah - I ADORE baby feet too. Do you see the pin prick from his blood test?