After a few honest to God tears and some un-Ramadan like rants from my end, we finally left the house. I'm also finding out that I'm a little more anal than I thought about being on time..... I think it's the law school in me. I just knew that if we we got to there too late, they'd tell us that our session had been cancelled. The thought of having to get everyone dressed and prepped again made me want to curl up in a ball and rock from side to side.
My fears were totally unfounded. Once we got to the shop, we still had to wait before starting our session. Of course, by this time, Zayd is in a deep comatose sleep. He's in the type of sleep where no one or nothing can disturb him. Khalid and I try everything to wake our sleeping child. We sing, we rock, we lift him up and down. He'd give us short periods of semi-alertness before dropping his head and heading back to snooze land.
With all these factors, it is safe to say that our pictures were decent at best. On many of the pictures Zayd looks half-dead, and Khalid and I have the tell-tell signs of sleep deprived new parents. All I can say is that we tried.
We're hoping for better luck for his three-month shots....

the pictures are too small!! i want a picture too!
ooh you guys look gorgeous, like Auntie's Preppy Newphew.
I want a big big one okay!
Zayd's Auntie
How adorable! Can't wait to see them full-sized. Are you going to take professional pictures every month?!
I am so proud of you. Why is mezaan turning one and I still haven't got any professinonal ones? (Partially because I didn't liek the way I looked, but htat's another story! :)
Great pics.
They did better than when WE went the last time. Insha~allah i'll be doing EID pics of the girls. **whisper** i got them matching
Ma salaama
Ummie A
MashaAllah how precious! You've totally got this mommy thing under control, 100%! Zayd is cute as a button in his little jean set, mashaAllah! Pop that collar! I was looking at the old pics compared to these new ones- he's like 3 times bigger! He's going to be walking and talking by the time I see him, subhanAllah! I can't wait!
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