Friday, December 28, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Eid Mubarak!
I purposely chose Friday to place this post, so if this is your first day, second day, or third day of Eid, Eid Mubarak to you. Khalid attended Eid Salaat on Wednesday, Zayd and I prayed on Thursday, and many of our close friends began their celebration today. I love the fact that while some are celebrating, some are fasting, and while some accede to Saudi Arabia, others choose to follow a local sighting. In my humble opinion, it shows that Muslims are not drones,or blind followers. Believers are making their decisions out of conviction, and a strong desire to obey Allah in the way that they see best. What is so beautiful to me is that Allah, in His infinite wisdom, made it that we all overlap, no matter what date you began your celebration.
So, Eid Mubarak to all.
Zayd's Eid Gifts
Leaving the prayer
Zayd and Nasir (Note: Zayd's head is smaller in real life.)
The adorable siblings, Taki & Hasnah.
Zayd & Mommy's former student, Tahirah.
Sister Michelle, Sister Princess, , little Anisa, and Mommy & Zayd.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy
Conference Call
Fajr Baby
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Four Months
Zayd is four months old! Can someone please tell me why my baby is growing so fast. I feel like he was only a little tiny baby for a week or so...maybe that's why people have more children. I finally broke down and bought him one of those way over-priced bebe pod chairs. I got tired of watching him grunt in frustration from trying to sit up. As soon as I put him in the chair, he looked at me as if to say, "It took you long enough!". He spends a lot of time in his "little throne" as my dad calls it.
California has been really good to us. Zayd enjoys taking walks in his jogging stroller and hanging out with all his baby friends. We're looking forward to seeing more family and friends for Eid.
Monday, December 10, 2007
It's Electric
Zayd got to meet more of his California family at Cousin Chris and his wife BJ's 25th wedding anniversary. Zayd has been officially indoctrinated in to black culture by performing the Electric Slide and the Cha Cha slide with his family.
** Special thanks to Auntie Mariam for the adorable outfit.... Go HUSL!**

Zayd and his great-grandfather Joseph Simon.

Zayd, G-Dad, Grandmommy, and Aunt Veronica.

Zayd, Cousin Babette, and Mommy getting their groove on.

Zayd and Daddy.

Zayd and Babette.

Zayd, Great Grandfather, Uncle Tim, and Aunt Kim.
** Special thanks to Auntie Mariam for the adorable outfit.... Go HUSL!**
Zayd and his great-grandfather Joseph Simon.
Zayd, G-Dad, Grandmommy, and Aunt Veronica.
Zayd, Cousin Babette, and Mommy getting their groove on.
Zayd and Daddy.
Zayd and Babette.
Zayd, Great Grandfather, Uncle Tim, and Aunt Kim.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
104 Days
Here is my pride & joy.

Zayd is 104 days old. That makes him 14 weeks, or 4 months old. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to share each and every day of his life with him. He is changing and growing before my eyes. Yesterday he chuckled for the first time. He is currently working with all his might to be able to sit up on his own. He is also very, very vocal. He seems to be his #1 fan or the sound of his voice...I guess that makes me and Khalid tied for the #2 spot.
Zayd loves when people talk to him, sing to him, and make gestures to amuse him. He also likes to put his lips together and blow spit all over everything. He'll be your best friend of you help him to stand up on your legs and play walk.
I've finally gotten into to habit of taking Zayd on a daily walk. He loves looking around as we stroll through the neighborhood. Most times the movement puts him to sleep. The fresh air is good for both of us.
I think this is the first time in a long time that I can honestly say that I love what I'm doing. True, the hours are pretty long and the monetary pay is non-existent, but there are so many other pay offs. I just want to show him the world. I want him to see, feel, and taste all things that are good and beautiful. I pray every day that he can experience the goodness of this world and the hereafter.

Zayd is 104 days old. That makes him 14 weeks, or 4 months old. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to share each and every day of his life with him. He is changing and growing before my eyes. Yesterday he chuckled for the first time. He is currently working with all his might to be able to sit up on his own. He is also very, very vocal. He seems to be his #1 fan or the sound of his voice...I guess that makes me and Khalid tied for the #2 spot.
Zayd loves when people talk to him, sing to him, and make gestures to amuse him. He also likes to put his lips together and blow spit all over everything. He'll be your best friend of you help him to stand up on your legs and play walk.
I've finally gotten into to habit of taking Zayd on a daily walk. He loves looking around as we stroll through the neighborhood. Most times the movement puts him to sleep. The fresh air is good for both of us.
I think this is the first time in a long time that I can honestly say that I love what I'm doing. True, the hours are pretty long and the monetary pay is non-existent, but there are so many other pay offs. I just want to show him the world. I want him to see, feel, and taste all things that are good and beautiful. I pray every day that he can experience the goodness of this world and the hereafter.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Zayd's First Airplane Ride
Zayd took his first airplane ride on November 16, 2007. He flew from Washington, DC, to Atlanta, GA, to Oakland, CA...Khalid and I came too. Zayd was really calm on the plane. We actually received compliments on his stellar behavior. We let him have his own seat for a little while, like the grown man he thinks he is. Khalid took a great photo of us sleeping--no, it's not staged!

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monterey Bay
Okay blogging world. I'd be surprised if I still have three readers since I haven't posted in forever. There has been so many wonderful things going on in our lives. As usual, I'm posting under a limited time frame--I have a play date-- but I had to put a little up on our trip to Monterey Bay.
Monterey Bay is very special to Khalid and I, since it's where we spent our honeymoon. I remember how free it felt to drive down Highway 1 with my new hubby. We were free from the stresses of the wedding, I was free from the vigor's of my first year of law school, and we were both REALLY happy to finally be able to be alone and on our own.
Aside from the fact that it seemed like it was two degrees below zero during our entire stay, we had a wonderful time. We ate way too much seafood, went whale watching, took long walks, enjoyed the beauty of the area, took long drives, bought gifts for each other, and hit up there fabulous aquarium.
Since we decided to spend Thanksgiving in California this year, we thought it would be really special to visit the place where it all started with our new little love child. My parents both looked depressed as we took off, with their only grandchild, towards the highway for a weekend get-away. It took us a lot longer than it did two and a half years ago to get out of the house. I have to admit that we had to actually turn around and drive back at one point, since we forgot Zayd's stroller. So two bags, one diaper bag, one carseat, one snowsuit (just in case), and two lunches later, we were on the road again.
Zayd seemed to really enjoy the ride down....... well enjoy it as much as he could, considering he was in a rear facing carseat in the backseat with tinted windows. Khalid and I talked and laughed most of the way---untill I fell asleep.
We selected a nice hotel located in the downtown section of the city. After checking in, we decided to spend the day sightseeing and save the aquarium for the next day.
Day One

Day Two

Monterey Bay is very special to Khalid and I, since it's where we spent our honeymoon. I remember how free it felt to drive down Highway 1 with my new hubby. We were free from the stresses of the wedding, I was free from the vigor's of my first year of law school, and we were both REALLY happy to finally be able to be alone and on our own.
Aside from the fact that it seemed like it was two degrees below zero during our entire stay, we had a wonderful time. We ate way too much seafood, went whale watching, took long walks, enjoyed the beauty of the area, took long drives, bought gifts for each other, and hit up there fabulous aquarium.
Since we decided to spend Thanksgiving in California this year, we thought it would be really special to visit the place where it all started with our new little love child. My parents both looked depressed as we took off, with their only grandchild, towards the highway for a weekend get-away. It took us a lot longer than it did two and a half years ago to get out of the house. I have to admit that we had to actually turn around and drive back at one point, since we forgot Zayd's stroller. So two bags, one diaper bag, one carseat, one snowsuit (just in case), and two lunches later, we were on the road again.
Zayd seemed to really enjoy the ride down....... well enjoy it as much as he could, considering he was in a rear facing carseat in the backseat with tinted windows. Khalid and I talked and laughed most of the way---untill I fell asleep.
We selected a nice hotel located in the downtown section of the city. After checking in, we decided to spend the day sightseeing and save the aquarium for the next day.
Day One
Day Two
To Do List
Things I need to post about:
1. MANA Conference in Philly
2. Aqeeqah Commentary
3. Zayd's First Plane Ride
4. Thanksgiving
5. Three Month Milestones
6. New Computer
7. California Living
Okay, I put it out there, so now I have to do it.
1. MANA Conference in Philly
2. Aqeeqah Commentary
3. Zayd's First Plane Ride
4. Thanksgiving
5. Three Month Milestones
6. New Computer
7. California Living
Okay, I put it out there, so now I have to do it.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Zayd's Aqeeqah
Another milestone for my little boy. Khalid and I hosted Zayd's Aqeeqah last Saturday. An aqeeqah is an Islamic tradition which involves slaughtering a lamb and feeding the community. Okay, this is kind of the short explanation, but that's pretty much what we did.
Zayd was an absolute angel. He didn't mind being passed around the room, and he didn't spit up that much on his white thobe. It was so good seeing all of our guest. I feel extremely blessed when I look at the life I've built in DC over the past four years.
Pappa Khalid said some very touching words about fatherhood, followed by a reading of Surah Luqman by his good friends Tariq and Muslimah. My father also spoke briefly. I tried to say a few words, but as usual, I got a little teary eyed. I don't know when public speaking became such a tear-fest for me-- I guess I'm just an emotional person. On the other hand, who wouldn't be emotional celebrating the birth of their first child!
The lamb was sooo good. We ordered the food from one of my favorite Moroccan restaurants of all time. The cook, Sister Khadijah, put her foot in the food. The menu consisted of: lamb. couscous, and olive lemon chicken, a peas and potato dish, a seasoned rice, and some baked chicken. I guess the food was good, because we had no leftovers.
Here are a few pictures from the event:
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Grandma & Grandpa Shaheed

Zayd had some very special visitors two weeks ago. His grandparents flew up from Dallas to meet their second grandson. In typical grandparent fashion, Zayd received a lot of love and an arm-load of new toys. We all had a lovely time as usual. What I love most about my in-laws is their ability to truly enjoy family. We spent a lot of time just talking and laughing. It was also really wonderful to have a hot breakfast waiting for me every mother-in-law has me spoiled.
Grandpa Khalid is currently in the United Arab Emirates completing an imam's training program. This photo was take ant the UAE Embassy. Everyone loved my fat baby.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
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