Sunday, February 10, 2008

Rock & Roll

Zayd can scoot and crawl backwards, but not forward. The crawling thing is his latest acquisition. It started with him pushing up on all fours and rocking back and forth like he was in some southern music video. For the first few days, his antics would mainly end up wit him lunging forward and taking a nose dive onto his forehead. I was really concerned that the child might develop a rug burn on his face.

Zayd went from doing the hump-a-rock as I call it to pushing up on his legs into a modified down-faced dog position. I'd stare in awe as he repeated his two new tricks, over and over again -- hump-a-rock, down-faced dog, hump-a-rock, down faced dog, face fall forward, roll, repeat. This circuit is usually followed by some backward scooting into a corner, followed by desperate yells to be rescued from said corner. The rescue is always followed by an I -Desperately-Need-To-Reconnect nursing session, and then the whole process is repeated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I STILL can't believe he's crawling...Gosh I wish you guys lived closer, I am gonna have to send him a photo of me some that he doesn't forget about me!!