Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Six Months
Happy six-month birthday little boy.
We spent the day napping and cuddling, before making dinner for Daddy.
I felt so content lying next to you while watching the snow fall.
I realized that there was no other place I'd rather be than beside you, smelling the sweetness of your skin.
What a good feeling.
I am your mommy and you are my baby.
Oh how Allah has blessed us.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Number Two!!!
Sike!! I got you good, huh?
I'll be first to admit that I talk really loud and long about the strong possibility of Zayd being an only child. Even the thought of being pregnant again makes me want to curl up alone in a ball and rock myself gently into a better place. I equate pregnancy with pain, hotness (not like sexy hotness, but being hot hotness), more pain, irritability, pain again, and transforming into looking like a possible contestant on The Biggest Loser. Yeah, pregnancy is just not my thing.
I wanted to blog during my pregnancy, but I had nothing positive or nice to say about anyone or anything really. I can do a whole lot of other things really well, but I pretty much suck at pregnancy. Khalid swears that I was so good at being pregnant. The truth is, I know that he's lying, even if he honestly thinks he is telling the truth.... I remember. There were many times that I saw him reading his little man-pregnancy book all quietly and intently, and looking at me as if to say "Is that supposed to happen?". Yes, he too was the enemy. My favorite part about being pregnant was labor. I think that alone sums it up.
Although I am quick to rant and rave about being done with uterus expanding projects, when I see Zayd with another child, I can't help but think that maybe, just maybe, a second child would be a lot of fun. I mean I can't even think of my life without my own siblings. Who would I fight with and create alliances with? Who would I have to talk about my parents with? What would I do when I went home? My siblings are an extension of me.
Khalid and I had the opportunity of pretending like we had two for a few hours the other week. Baby Girl came over so her parents could go on a hot date. Did I mention that they are expecting again... Zayd was so excited that he wouldn't even stay still enough for me to put his pants back on. I got so frustrated that I just left him alone. I'm going to show all of these pictures at his high school graduation party. You know what they say about payback.
Baby Girl had long since discovered that Zayd will happily and willfully be her little flunky. They played a pretty rousing game of I'm Going to Put Paper on Your Head Because I Feel Like It, and Ha Ha, You Can't Catch Me Because I Can Walk and You Can't. Zayd was so happy that I thought he might just hurt himself from sheer joy overload. He thought the paper game was just awesome! My baby cried, I mean literally wailed, when Baby Girl left.
Yeah, maybe there will be a number two, Allah knows best. In the meantime, we're just going to have to borrow Baby Girl a little more often.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Rock & Roll

Zayd can scoot and crawl backwards, but not forward. The crawling thing is his latest acquisition. It started with him pushing up on all fours and rocking back and forth like he was in some southern music video. For the first few days, his antics would mainly end up wit him lunging forward and taking a nose dive onto his forehead. I was really concerned that the child might develop a rug burn on his face.
Zayd went from doing the hump-a-rock as I call it to pushing up on his legs into a modified down-faced dog position. I'd stare in awe as he repeated his two new tricks, over and over again -- hump-a-rock, down-faced dog, hump-a-rock, down faced dog, face fall forward, roll, repeat. This circuit is usually followed by some backward scooting into a corner, followed by desperate yells to be rescued from said corner. The rescue is always followed by an I -Desperately-Need-To-Reconnect nursing session, and then the whole process is repeated.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Music Day
Last Thursday was Music Day at Mocha Mom's Support Group. Zayd and I both woke up excited, wondering what musical adventures the day had in store for us. To be honest, we haven't made it to support group as often as I'd like, but we're trying harder. My child is a true social butterfly.... I wonder where he gets that from??
Zayd enjoyed seeing everyone, but one particualr person made him squeal with delight.
Tell me this doesn't make you laugh!!
We sang songs and listened to a really interesting book about some pond creatures. This motherhood thing is pretty fun.
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