You love to look at me and tell me that you're "going to school," and I "can't come". Admittedly I was slightly offended the first three or four times you told me, but now I support and encourage your decision. Assert you independence little peanut headed boy. I'll step back a notch or two, but you're not getting rid of me and Baby that easy.
Baby seems to be a mixture between a pet and a playmate to you. It's hard to really play with someone who just wants to eat your stuff and wreck all of your Lego buildings. At the same time, Baby is always around and pretty much down for whatever. As such, you often times just make due. You are quick to put Baby on time out for the slightest of infractions. She seems not to mind your passion for discipline -- thus far at least. She thinks your are the bee's knees. I pray that she always foster a high opinion of her big brother.
You all laugh at each other while eating breakfast. If I put the music on and time it just right, I can actually take a shower while you two laugh, eat, and listen to music -- joy. I'm so happy that you have each other. I am so thankful that Baby has you as a big brother. You are very serious about your Do-not-touch-my-baby-sister threat... I really think if you focused on the knee cap, you might actually be somewhat effective. Man, you are such a lover, not a fighter.
On love. Zayd, you fall in love about three times a week. It always starts with you noticing that special someone between the age of 3 and 50; you making funny facial expressions and babbling; you going in front of said love interest and speaking inchoherently while twisting your body back and forth; blank stare from you heart's desire; me telling you to put your tongue back in you mouth... You remind me so much of myself that it both pains me and cracks me up. I told your father that single sex education will likely be a must in your case. You like pretty shiny things my love. Remember that your mother called it first.
Today you fell in love with a young Ethiopian, and a blond girl in a stroller sucking on a pacifier. I think the stroller chick was kind of feeling you too, but I'm not encouraging such behavior. My beautiful first born, all growed up..