It took us sooo long to get through security. I'm going to be nice and say it wasn't a hijabi thing... It was right after the Ft. Hood tragedy, and I was both sad and litlle skeptical about flying to, of all places, Texas. Being directlly after the incident, I was very worried for our safety. I asked Allah to guide us, but it was the first time I began to think that my sweet little hijab(lol) could be a hinderance to us getting from Point A to Point B.
I've been harassed more times that i can count, but what can you really do about it--security is security. Alhamdullilah, it was a seamless trip through Baltimore Washington International Airport... Mommy is going to be militant and call it it's proper name, Thurgood Marshall Airport. I was extremely nervous about flying with two little ones, but you both were remarkably well behaved... Okay, I won't mention how you started jumping up and down and screaming "Obama" at the top of your lungs while on the tarmac of the returning flight. Yeah, we won't mention that.