Good morning Zayd. It's 7:37AM, and you are already down for your morning nap. You've already peed in our bed, slapped your father and I on the head several times, jumped back and forth between us, beat-boxed on our headboard, took bath, read a book, attempted to eat a book, screamed like a banchee when I dressed you, and ate four bites of rice and gravy. After finally being wide awake from my tired drunk stupor, you decide that now is as good a time as any to take a nap. You never cease to amaze me.
Of course by now I'm wide awake after performing the requisite jack moves to keep you happy. It dawned on me that this time last year, my life was so much different. Your were a part of me -- an apparent part of me actually-- but your father and I had no clue really what to expect. When you are excited yet scared out of your mind with the thought of impending parenthood, what do you do?
Go to Paris!!!! We could've used the money for a zillion other things, but in our collective psychosis, we decided to take one last international hooray. Yeah to rash decisions!!
Your father and I share a passion for traveling. If we weren't responsible people, we'd likely buy plane tickets to exotic places, like some folks buy flat screens and cars. We love trying different foods, navigating our way around foreign places, and getting a true feel for the area. I think the inability to travel on a whim was the one thing that we were most afraid of giving up with your impending birth. It's not like we were ever even able to travel on a whim before you came, but at least we had the option.
So, we kind of secretly and quietly purchased tickets during a fare sale on Iceland Air.... never heard of them either. We actually flew out of the town the same night of my last law school final. I was so tired, that I fell asleep on the plane before take off. You seemed to be very excited. It was the first time that your father really felt you kick. You were going crazy when we got up into the air.
We arrived in Paris the next morning and decided to have an "adventure" and take the metro to our hotel. Your pappa's bag broke at the airport, so we likely resembled a pair of rag-tag immigrants with broken luggage and a pregnant disheveled woman.
We'd stayed in some pretty sketch places during part of our time in North Africa, so I wanted to be sure that we had a nice plae to rest our head. After hours on end, during class, on Trip Advisor, I settled on a hotel about 20 minutes on the outskirts of the central areal called Hotel Portee Doree. Great choice.
I think this is one of my favorite picture of your daddy.
I remember how happy he was when your father bought me roses upon our arrival.
Did I mention how irritable I was when I was pregnant with you? Did I explain to you just how much my back hurt?? Okay, maybe a thousand times or so. All I really wanted to do was eat pastries and people watch. Your father, on the other hand, wanted to walk like a thousand miles exploring the city each day. That caused for a bit of conflict, but the great thing about Paris, is that there literally is a bakery on every corner. That inspired me much more than seeing the Mona Lisa.
Okay, I'll admit it, your mother is a wuss. I cried real tears when I saw the Eifel Tower for the first time. I'm scared to know how I'll react when I, insha'Allah, make it to Mecca and Medina. It was just such a dream-come-true. Your father sets the bar pretty high for doing nice things to make me happy. If I ever hear of you doing some raggedy stuff like trying to offer some women Quran on CD for their dowry, or anything else of that sort, I promise that I'll take your little but out. And if by chance I don't make it to that day, trust and believe (I love that phrase) that I got people... Okay, back to our trip..
I was so excited that I made your father take pictures before we even got really close to the tower.
Look at my hand, I wanted you to know that I was thinking of you.
That tower is soo freaking beautiful, Zayd.
The Gardens at Fountaine Bleu made me year for Jennah.
Your papa took me on a boat ride in the park. It took him a little while to get the rowing thing down, but he got it together.
Some things we had to just look at. We said we'd buy them on our next trip (lol).
The good thing is, there was so much to look at.
We want to share our passion with you, little boy. As soon as you can hold the camera for us, you can roll. Until then, you might have some really great trips to your grandparents' house while your father and I follow our wonder lust....
We have so many plans for you, my love.